mercoledì 18 giugno 2014

How remove a kind of file recursively on Linux

I need to remove all the *.tiff files from a set of folders recursively.
The  most obvious solution
rm -Rf *.tiff
don't work.

This is the solution I find:

find . -name '*.tiff' -exec rm {} \;

giovedì 12 giugno 2014

Using GDAL to add a field to a shapefile and populate it

The need is:

I have a set of shapefile and need to have another copy of them addind a new field and populating it with the filename (without extension it match a code identifier).

The solution was using a shell dos and the ogr2ogr and ogrinfo utility:

This is the code:

I use the gdal batch utility from osgeo4w package.

mkdir destination-folder
for /R D:\temp\temp2\input-folder %%f IN (*.shp) do (
    ogr2ogr D:\temp\temp2\destination-folder\zz_%%~nf_output.shp %%f
    cd D:\temp\temp2\input-folder
    ogrinfo zz_%%~nf_output.shp -sql "ALTER TABLE zz_%%~nf_output ADD COLUMN filename character(128)"
    ogrinfo zz_%%~nf_output.shp -dialect SQLITE -sql "UPDATE zz_%%~nf_output SET filename = '%%~nf'"
    cd ..

Just an explain of some details:
In the ogrinfo command: in the alter-table sql command the tablename inside the sql command should be equals to the filename of shapefile called externally.
In the ogrinfo command: in the update sql-command  there is the same relation name-table with name shapefile of the alter-table.

lunedì 2 giugno 2014

How find a word

I need to find a word "GAIA_VECTORS_LIST_FAST" but I don't know exactly in what file it can be.

So apply this command in a bash :

find ./  -type f -exec grep "GAIA_VECTORS_LIST_FAST" {} \; -print

et voila.

The response is:

  list = gaiaGetVectorLayersList( handle, NULL, NULL, GAIA_VECTORS_LIST_FAST );

simple and fast.